

The Ultimate Guide To Choosing Fonts

Overwhelmed by all the options and not sure how to set up headlines, sub-headings, and body text. Need help pairing fonts together (and don’t want to pay a ton)? This quick guide goes through everything you need to know about choosing fonts for and using them on your website. The trick to using fonts effectively is to focus on high contrast options. Go with fonts that are dramatically different, such as a serif and sans serif combination or a think weight and a slab.

choosing fonts for website

In this pairing, we have Oswald coupled up with Old Standard TT. Oswald still takes on a dominant role, though in this case, it feels more authoritative than demanding. And it needs to be with Old Standard’s small textbook-style font. There’s a showman-type feel with these two fonts paired together. You have the tall and trim Oswald header looming over the lighter Montserrat text below it. It feels like someone stepping onto a stage to make an announcement while a hush comes over the crowd below.

Best Fonts for Websites – The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Font

For example, exaggerated lettering, distorted text, clashing colors or size, and 3D type can have an incredible impact – it’s all about how you use them. Even more important than having a font that matches your brand is having one that’s easy to read on the web. Many fonts that are used in logos, especially handwritten and script fonts aren’t legible when trying to write paragraphs and headlines, so you’ll only use those as accents. No matter what type of font you end up choosing to match your brand identity, make sure you go for a web safe font that’s easy to use and suitable for a majority of browsers. Your font choice needs to represent your brand personality in order for your design to look spot on. Are you a traditional type of business or are you minimalist and modern or fun and quirky?

The differences between the pairing of Lato with Merriweather and Lato with Roboto are subtle enough. Both Lato and Merriweather have a strong and sturdy appearance, which makes them extremely readable. Not only that, but they feel more welcoming — as if the page is a journey worth undertaking and not just a reading chore that one needs to slog through.

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It can range from scripts to monotype, and anything in between. These are a great way to add character to your design but should be avoided for long paragraphs of body copy as they can be difficult to read. Now that we understand what a typeface and a font are, what is typography? Whether you’re designing a website, an app, or a poster, you’re using type to deliver a message. When downloading web fonts, never download more character sets, languages, or styles than needed. As any article or description on your page will be in your secondary font, it should be clean and easily readable without strain.

choosing fonts for website

You’ll see evidence of this in the kinds of websites that use Merriweather to style their paragraphs, like Goodreads, Coursera, and Harvard.edu. As our world becomes more connected and technologically advanced, there are going to be more and more websites that would benefit from typefaces like Roboto. While this typeface does have a techy, machine-like feel to it, the wide-open characters also give it a friendly touch. Although the typographical choosing fonts for website features of serifs often classify fonts, they can also be described as having more human-like personalities. In other words, the appearance of the font (irrespective of what the words say) gives off a specific mood and feel, which can alter the effectiveness of your content. Another thing to look for is whether the font family includes number symbols that are related to what you’ll use them for (e.g. punctuation, currency, calculations, etc.).

Source Sans Pro & Times New Roman

The former should be used for headlines, while the latter works best for body copy. If possible, make sure that your brand logo contains hints of your primary font as well. You can go for more daring font types when choosing your primary font, although, at the end of the day, it all depends on your brand. When picking the number of typefaces for your website, our suggestion is to aim for no more than three different fonts. You can also find lots of graphics to help you choose font pairs on Pinterest by searching for font pairing and the platform you’re using.

choosing fonts for website

Make sure you research a ton of fonts and figure out whether it will work with your web design. It might sound pedantic, but font type and typeface are actually two separate things. Fonts are individual styles, while https://deveducation.com/ a typeface is made up of a group of fonts. Even the smallest design choices make a big difference to your site’s first impression. This makes it easy to get lost in the number of design choices you’ll need to make.

  • Your visitors and readers might not pick up on that specific detail, but they’ll certainly take notice of this eye-catching font.
  • For example, Arastin can be used for romantic themes, and Northills is to bring a retro touch.
  • Readability should be a top priority when pairing fonts, especially for body text.
  • Composed of only capital letters, this attention-grabbing font makes a bold statement.
  • Clement Numbers is a number and punctuation font set with just one style.
  • It rewrites Google Fonts to be delivered from a website’s own origin, eliminating the need to rely on third-party font providers.

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